Ego, atitude and life

Another piece on the humans that belong to the better half of the world. If you have read earlier blogs, you would realise that i have most simple brain in the world which means that i am only good with linear equations in life with two variables. Where in if i make one variable as constant and equate the next with another pre-defined constant the solution can exist. Offcourse i can most happily keep changing the values of both the variable that i have chosen as constant and the constant that i am going to equate the remaining variable with. Phew!! okies with the precedence set let me take a plunge into the topic that has made me compose this piece.

Human ego, human attitude and life lets take these variables and try and study a linear relationship amongst these. Also, we would understand each one of these and the parameters that influence them before concluding the relationship and find out if there can be a healthy outcome of these most complex things in anyones life.

Human ego, i suppose the parameter that influence this particular variable is the education. Now most of you would jump on to the debate "Education imparts wisdom" hence how can it impart ego-ism. I would like to tell you about a friend of mine, Sanjay, who had given a beautiful definition for this circumstance. He says that indeed education imparts wisdom and hence makes human humble but its the completeness of the education that decides whether the person would grow to become humble or whether he would grow to become arrogant. I conclude this variable by saying that that the phrase "Education imparts wisdom" is only half articulated unless we add another one to it which says "Half knowledge makes noise". Hence human ego can most certainly be controlled and killed only when one completes the entire cycle of education.

Human attitude, this is the brightest parameter in ones life. The seniors say that its the "attitude that determines altitude" (Punch line for INI Consulting's tee's) which most certainly is true. But the point of argument in here is not what it determines, rather, its the effect when it becomes negative. A person with a negative attitude can most certainly feel insecure about almost everything, be it love, life, work, family, etc. And am sure you know how a person with a negative attitude tends to behave. He is craving for attention, crying foul over everything, and most certainly trying to get away from all that is around him.

Now combine this with Human ego and what you would come across is a combination that determines what kind of life you would have. Sure then, lets start playing the game. Let me have a person with Positive attitude towards everything that he does (a constant) and let me fix his life as "Bad". Which would definitely reflect that he has huge ego. Which means that if tries to get "right" education and shed his inhibitions he would go on to transform his life into a good one.

Lets taken another example in the similar context. Let me have a person with Positive attitude towards everything that he does (a constant)and let me fix his life as "Good". Now the picture changes because the only possibility that exists in this case is the person also has a "manageable" ego. Which means that he neither rates himself too high nor too low vis-à-vis the world. Which also means that he has the patience to listen to the world as he would give equal opportunity to the world to put forward the points. Hence if i have to sum it up then the theory of relativity becomes prominent in the sense that i would pick and chose whats best suited for me and my growth as an individual.

The combinations can be several and you can continue this debate amongst the group that you generally debate in. I believe that the outcome will be quiet an eye opener for you.

In short, i have learnt this in my life, as you proceed in you journey upwards to the corporate pinnacle you need to have a right mix of Ego and attitude. Also, you need to shed your inhibitions to grow in life.

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