17th April 2009

You must be wondering as to what is so special about this date!! that I am writing a blog on it, Yes, the day was a Friday and for most people in the world it was a regular office day with plannings of a good weekend in their minds. However, for us it was one of the most important day of life. The day was special as it was on the very same day, last year, we had tied the nuptial knot and had taken vows to be with each other for seven lives, indeed if God permits we would like to be.. Amen!!. Yes, you guessed it correct; we got married on this day in the year 2008.

Most people around us wished us and bestowed us with blessings and gifts. We were forced to go back into the memories of the day and the happenings around it. Let’s not think of all that happened along with the day, rather, I would like to share our journey in the last one year, being Man and wife :)

So, how was this one year? I would like the journey to be more of a question and answer rather being one boring essay story where it would be all happy as expected. :)

Here we go: -

What is the "catalyst" in our chemistry?
Choose anyone you like
- Me being un-organized and she being organized to the core
- Me being lazy and she being hyperactive
- Me being cricket lover and she being an ardent non-cricket person
- Me being a big zero in household cores and she being a super performer!!

What has she changed in me?
- I am surprised by the way she has made me more patient and stable in life. I have lost atleat 75% (if not more) of my impulsive behavior
- I have started dressing up more in reds, oranges, maroons rather then whites, blues and grays.
- I have registered a remarkable 100% on time arrival in office and have definitely proved more productive.
- Lots to write about... :) next question

What was the best thing we did?
- We went to goa, twice in the year, first for more of a know-goa-types trip, but the second one was absolute fun. Spent some real quality time with each other, roamed like best buddies and had loads and loads of fun.

What was the worst thing we did?
- Hmmm... now that’s really interesting, the worst thing we did/do was/is fight.

Any important events in our life in the last one year?
- Several, mostly they were negative, hence not writing them in here..

Unlike most marriages, ours was full of hiccups, rather hiccup is an understatement. Though we were neither the designers nor the guilty of all that happened but since we were at the helm of affairs somehow we couldn’t keep ourselves away from getting affected. It has taken one full year to come to terms with whatever happened. But now that we have come a long way ahead, we would like to keep marching hand in hand towards the dream that we both saw together. Dream of a happy, healthy family, a dream where we are never short of blessings from the elders, a dream where there is immense love and trust, a dream where both of us complement each other with 100% of our abilities and make the bond grow to unprecedented heights.

For all this and more, we need your blessings. We know, we have a long path to walk and we're sure it won't be easy, it won't be tender, and hence, we would not like to fall short of blessings.