Walk while you talk!!

Off-late a lot of people walked up to me and asked me about my diet regime coz they noticed that I have reduced my weight without being appearing as stressed out. This made me think what’s happening?. This triggered a thought process which is in sync with the title of this blog.

I found out three important things: -
1. Cut down on sugar in liquid form, which means cut down on the number of tea/coffee/juice intake with sugar. I found this to be important as liquid sugar adds to weight faster then sugar in solid form (sweets etc). This has definitely helped me when I took it as a task

2. While walking, swing your arms, not like you are parading or something, but definitely till at-least a 30 degree angle from your shoulder. This burns additional calories while walking and most certainly makes your shoulders look broad. (Re-distribution of weight happens in here and most of your fat around shoulder and neck region transforms into muscles)

3. Drink water whenever you feel hungry, and if still you feel hungry then go ahead and eat. Most often we feel hungry and we just go and grab something to eat, this trigger might be due to several calculations going around in our brain. Not necessarily every time you feel hungry that your body is in need of energy.

Other then these, there are a few more things that I used as activity, start waking up early, which means, by default you would have a longer day then normal and you automatically burn more calories. Next being, cut down on pizzas, burgers, cold drinks etc remember, I never said to stop, rather I said cut down. Also, work in kitchen, it can be a simple task of getting the utensils back from a dish washer to the shelf, or cooking or anything. Important is work in kitchen.

Finally, being over weight is not such a bad thing, as most certainly there is a difference between being obese (which is a bad thing) and over weight. Ensure that you know yourself better then what people claim to.

Fat, thin, slim, size zero, etc have more to do with your metal understanding rather then your physical appearance. Eat healthy, work out in whatever way you can and chill out, do not take unnecessary tension. What you define as tension is purely your point of view, but trust me, being happy has a lot of impact on being healthy.

Happy eating and be healthy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good One...I liked this blog :)
