
Suppose... in life someone puts you to above question how will u react!! i was put into this situation sometime back when a "special self" told me not to visit her profile on orkut, not to sms her, not to wish her on her birthday...and a lot of "Not tooos"

I wondered what can i do in such a situation? The possibilities: -
1) that..- Arrogant self
2) No please dont i beg u...-Sissy self
3) argh!!..even i shall call the police-Angry self
4) hmmm-I dont get bothered by what u said self

But the important point here is..can u actually stop someone from wishing you on your birthday? or sending u a good morning sms that has nothing but true wish/prayer for your day being good..or the best thing...can u stop someone from visiting your profile on orkut..??

I agree that when u hate someone badly then just at the sight of his/her name gets u out of your mind, but then seldom u can do anything about a few things. Am sure police would also be made to wonder under which law to bring the person.

any views.. for i am petrified horrified by that above statement. for i am way too scared of police... ;-)

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