For a while now, i have been hooked to things that relate to "How to manage change?". And i am sure all you people who visit my blog would've noticed this paradigm shift. As a basic personality, i hate changes to the max. Changes related to location, job, professional life, personal life, home, etc. Being a true taurian, i like to be in a comfort zone of myself. But you bet, life is a movement of "constant change".
Now though it might sound as an Oxymoron but the entire bunch of inspiring personalities would like to agree with me. Change is inevitable. Change is out there every single second. Change is happening even when you don't want it to happen, or you are not participating in its happening. A change within you, a change around you, and a change that you do not control.
How do you cope with it? How much change is cop-able? How to identify the thresholds beyond which you would start getting uncomfortable and how to control it well with in the thresholds?
I guess answers to these questions are not constant, but will vary from person to person. Each one of us need to provide an answer to ourselves in order to keep cool and keep adapting to that change.
Following steps might help: -
1) Change focus – look for the positive aspects of the world. Remember, world is as you see it.
2) Get into a continuous education program, learn coz i) there is no limit to it, ii) it is such a pleasurable thing, remember the kindergarten days!!
3) Start your day with a positive thought: - Thank Almighty for giving you a new day, open your eyes and join hands in gratitude
4) Take ownership: - Ownership helps people accept and learn from their mistakes.
5)Commitment: - Be committed to your work, even if you might not get instant success, keep walking the same path with as much confidence as you had when you started
The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor. - Vince Lombardi
6) Character: - Never trade off with your character. Even if you are in dire circumstances, don't leave. Even if life is pushing you hard, never quit.
7) Be positive: - There is no medicine for being negative and worst is that being negative gives you nothing!!!
And last but not the least, the Prayer!!
God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change and courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
Change management
Hi All,
I came across this article on CitemanHR forum. This article is by far the best one, that i have come across, on the topic of "change management". Please take out sometime and read it through. At the end, the learning would be wonderful.
Priti and the Stubborn frog
Priti is studying MBA in a reputed college; she is smart, beautiful and intelligent. She scores very good marks in her exams and keenly participates in extra curricular activities. All her lecturers are fond of her but she is fond of one lecturer by the name of ‘Raj’. She never misses a single class of his.
One day Raj was describing “how change is a vital & important component of organizational survival?” He used various examples to demonstrate this point. He gave example of Internet, which is constantly changing and many organizations have failed to embrace change and therefore have suffered massive consequences. AOL (American Online) is the pioneer in the field of Internet connectivity; it was the dominant player in the field of ‘Dial-up connections’. But later on it failed to upgrade itself and lost its battle as better technologies such as Broadband, Wireless came to the fore front. A similar example is that of IBM (International Business Machine); which was the dominant player in 1980s’ in the computer (Mainframe) industry. It was twice the size of Microsoft and DELL put together. But it failed to cope up with the change as semiconductor technology improved giving rise to the production of PCs. And it slowly lost its market dominance to smaller rivals such as DELL, HP & Apple.
Similarly in the 21st Century the Book retailers suffered a major set back. Companies like Borders, WaterStones etc. saw a massive decline in profit as buyers took their custom to online book retailers like Amazon.
Priti after hearing this could not digest the point. She was thinking to herself how come these large companies failed in analyzing such small things? Is it not silly? These companies hire the best brains in the industry and they are not stupid. She is running through a lot of questions and could not totally agree with the Lecturer’s point of view.
After the class she went up to ‘Raj’ and queried about it. Raj knew that this is not easy for students to understand and he is glad that someone is making an effort to understand this.
Priti: ‘Sir! I love your lectures’
Raj: ‘I am glad, thank you’
Priti: ‘However organizations failing to recognize change sound a bit silly to me?’
Raj: ‘Priti! You want to understand this’
Priti nodded in agreement
Raj: ‘You have to do a little experiment to understand this’, ‘Are you willing to do this?’
Priti: ‘Yes! Of course’
Raj: ‘Think again, before committing’
Priti: ‘Sir! I will do it’
Raj: Then listen carefully
‘Take a frog and put it in a kettle & then put the kettle on gas and turn it on slowly till it reaches a maximum. And observe what is happening?
Priti is surprised and thought that Raj is kidding. She with her raised eyebrow asked ‘Are you serious?’
I am 100% came the reply from Raj.
Priti went home that day and decided to carry out the experiment. She is afraid of frogs but ordered their maid to catch one for her. She then repeated the experiment as exactly detailed by Raj. She thought that as soon the frog is put in the kettle and put on the gas it will jump out of it.
She slowly turned the gas on and to her surprise the frog did not jump out. She thought to her may be it is not that hot and definitely the frog will jump out soon. She increased the heat slowly and yet the frog did not jump out. Every time she increased the heat, she saw some movement from frog but later it sat comfortably. When the gas was at its full might, the heat became unbearable even for Preeti to stand next to the gas. The frog finally tried to jump out of the kettle. However it was too late by that time; although it had a thick skin but it was turning pale. Preeti in a bid to save the frog switched off the gas quickly. She was feeling bad that she would have killed the frog by doing this experiment & was in fact blaming Raj for this.
The next day she went straight to Raj and described the situation. Raj laughed and laughed. Preeti on the other hand was rather shocked by Raj’s behavior. Later on Raj calmed down and explained her following:
“See Preeti this is what happens to companies as well. Imagine the frog to be a giant company, the kettle as the industry in which the company is operating and the heat as the change that is taking place. So when the heat (change) is less the frog (Company) thinks it is pretty comfortable within its industry. And with every increase in heat (change) the frog (Company) gets adjusted to the heat and remains ideally seated rather than reacting to change. And suddenly when the heat is at its peak the frog (company) realizes that it is loosing ground and tries to react by jumping but for many that is already too late.”
Preeti is looking mesmerized as Raj continued:
“Every organization over the course develops a fundamental way of thinking and acting that is called organization culture. And after a certain period this becomes the guiding principle for organization as if it is a myth and can not be changed. This stifles creativity, restricts flow of new ideas to business and makes it blind to the changes happening around. Therefore in Chinese they say if you meet someone after a gap of 3 days you must point out the changes in him/her; as we often are unaware of the changes happening to us. “
Preeti now understands the importance of change and how it is easy for companies to miss it. She does not regret doing the silly experiment but most importantly she has learned the lesson of her life “To survive you have to be aware of the change and prepare to deal with it”. May be this deals with the Darwinian principle of
‘Survival of the fittest’.
This article is written by ©Prof Raj D, MAMS (UK), ME (UK), BE (E&T); CEO & Head Trainer YouSucceed
I came across this article on CitemanHR forum. This article is by far the best one, that i have come across, on the topic of "change management". Please take out sometime and read it through. At the end, the learning would be wonderful.
Priti and the Stubborn frog
Priti is studying MBA in a reputed college; she is smart, beautiful and intelligent. She scores very good marks in her exams and keenly participates in extra curricular activities. All her lecturers are fond of her but she is fond of one lecturer by the name of ‘Raj’. She never misses a single class of his.
One day Raj was describing “how change is a vital & important component of organizational survival?” He used various examples to demonstrate this point. He gave example of Internet, which is constantly changing and many organizations have failed to embrace change and therefore have suffered massive consequences. AOL (American Online) is the pioneer in the field of Internet connectivity; it was the dominant player in the field of ‘Dial-up connections’. But later on it failed to upgrade itself and lost its battle as better technologies such as Broadband, Wireless came to the fore front. A similar example is that of IBM (International Business Machine); which was the dominant player in 1980s’ in the computer (Mainframe) industry. It was twice the size of Microsoft and DELL put together. But it failed to cope up with the change as semiconductor technology improved giving rise to the production of PCs. And it slowly lost its market dominance to smaller rivals such as DELL, HP & Apple.
Similarly in the 21st Century the Book retailers suffered a major set back. Companies like Borders, WaterStones etc. saw a massive decline in profit as buyers took their custom to online book retailers like Amazon.
Priti after hearing this could not digest the point. She was thinking to herself how come these large companies failed in analyzing such small things? Is it not silly? These companies hire the best brains in the industry and they are not stupid. She is running through a lot of questions and could not totally agree with the Lecturer’s point of view.
After the class she went up to ‘Raj’ and queried about it. Raj knew that this is not easy for students to understand and he is glad that someone is making an effort to understand this.
Priti: ‘Sir! I love your lectures’
Raj: ‘I am glad, thank you’
Priti: ‘However organizations failing to recognize change sound a bit silly to me?’
Raj: ‘Priti! You want to understand this’
Priti nodded in agreement
Raj: ‘You have to do a little experiment to understand this’, ‘Are you willing to do this?’
Priti: ‘Yes! Of course’
Raj: ‘Think again, before committing’
Priti: ‘Sir! I will do it’
Raj: Then listen carefully
‘Take a frog and put it in a kettle & then put the kettle on gas and turn it on slowly till it reaches a maximum. And observe what is happening?
Priti is surprised and thought that Raj is kidding. She with her raised eyebrow asked ‘Are you serious?’
I am 100% came the reply from Raj.
Priti went home that day and decided to carry out the experiment. She is afraid of frogs but ordered their maid to catch one for her. She then repeated the experiment as exactly detailed by Raj. She thought that as soon the frog is put in the kettle and put on the gas it will jump out of it.
She slowly turned the gas on and to her surprise the frog did not jump out. She thought to her may be it is not that hot and definitely the frog will jump out soon. She increased the heat slowly and yet the frog did not jump out. Every time she increased the heat, she saw some movement from frog but later it sat comfortably. When the gas was at its full might, the heat became unbearable even for Preeti to stand next to the gas. The frog finally tried to jump out of the kettle. However it was too late by that time; although it had a thick skin but it was turning pale. Preeti in a bid to save the frog switched off the gas quickly. She was feeling bad that she would have killed the frog by doing this experiment & was in fact blaming Raj for this.
The next day she went straight to Raj and described the situation. Raj laughed and laughed. Preeti on the other hand was rather shocked by Raj’s behavior. Later on Raj calmed down and explained her following:
“See Preeti this is what happens to companies as well. Imagine the frog to be a giant company, the kettle as the industry in which the company is operating and the heat as the change that is taking place. So when the heat (change) is less the frog (Company) thinks it is pretty comfortable within its industry. And with every increase in heat (change) the frog (Company) gets adjusted to the heat and remains ideally seated rather than reacting to change. And suddenly when the heat is at its peak the frog (company) realizes that it is loosing ground and tries to react by jumping but for many that is already too late.”
Preeti is looking mesmerized as Raj continued:
“Every organization over the course develops a fundamental way of thinking and acting that is called organization culture. And after a certain period this becomes the guiding principle for organization as if it is a myth and can not be changed. This stifles creativity, restricts flow of new ideas to business and makes it blind to the changes happening around. Therefore in Chinese they say if you meet someone after a gap of 3 days you must point out the changes in him/her; as we often are unaware of the changes happening to us. “
Preeti now understands the importance of change and how it is easy for companies to miss it. She does not regret doing the silly experiment but most importantly she has learned the lesson of her life “To survive you have to be aware of the change and prepare to deal with it”. May be this deals with the Darwinian principle of
‘Survival of the fittest’.
This article is written by ©Prof Raj D, MAMS (UK), ME (UK), BE (E&T); CEO & Head Trainer YouSucceed
change management,
Prof Raj D,
Dont Quit
Came across this poem while going through a ppt from Shiv Khera on Managing the Change.
Worth a read..
When things go wrong,
As they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far ;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
Worth a read..
When things go wrong,
As they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far ;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
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